One morning I was laughing at my crazy little puppy.
She LOVES the long grass so instead of sticking to the path, I always head for the ‘ruff’ off to the side (did you see what I did there?). Meggy’s favourite thing is to run off to one side, chasing butterflies, birds, imaginary rabbits until she runs out of lead, then turn around and run and jump through the grass until she reaches her limit at the other side. This goes on for an hour! She’s a happy puppy and travels about four times the distance I do, so she’s good and worn out by the time we get home.
That morning, watching her chasing through the grass, it reminded me of you!
Every week on my Facebook page, on Twitter and on my website I get questions from ladies who are struggling with their business. They tell me what they do and guess what? It’s not too much different from my puppy.
They Chase Any Opportunity, Willy Nilly
They chase around after opportunities, never really stopping to think if it’s a GOOD, RELEVANT opportunity that will help them build their business. They aren’t picky, just like Meggy they get distracted by something flying by and they feel compelled to chase it. Then they run of out steam, stop for a little while and then get distracted by something flying past in the opposite direction, so off they run again. No wonder they are tired out!
They Have No Focus
Now I’m not sure Meggy would know what to do with a bird or a butterfly if she caught it but rest assured, she never will. She has no focus. She wouldn’t spend time trying to catch any one thing, she just runs after the latest thing to catch her attention. Does this sound familiar? How often have you sat down to get something done and been distracted by social media, texts, emails, a neighbour, in fact anything that is going on around you when what you NEED to do is focus on one thing and get it finished.
They Go The Long Way Round
I told you that Meggy probably walks 4 times as far as me, by the time she’s run backwards and forwards and out to the side, criss-crossing my path 100 times at least during the walk. Talk about the long way round! How many times have you gone the long way round in your business? How many times have you had to re-learn something because you didn’t write it down the first time? How often have you redone something several times because you didn’t plan it out before you started? How much time have you wasted overthinking when you just need a clear vision and targets, and it would be obvious what you need to do?
So, my puppy and your business might have more in common than you think.
In Meggy’s case it’s a great thing that she tires herself out during our morning walk but for you, not so good! You need to put your energy and attention into the thing that will make a difference in your business – the things that will take your business forward. You don’t have surplus resources to waste chasing after ill-thought-through opportunities, being sidetracked by distractions or taking the long way round.
My challenge to you today is to learn from my puppy and do the OPPOSITE – leave the puppy approach to marketing to others who don’t know better!
If you loved this blog, I’d love to hear from you. Are YOU guilty of the puppy approach? Do you see other people doing it? Share your thoughts in the comments. Love, Claire xx