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In my Facebook groups the same question crops up regularly – should I put my prices on my website? My advice is always the same – YES!

Here are 4 REASONS why:

1. Your competitors will find out regardless 

So many people avoid putting prices on their website in case their competitors find out and try to undercut them. Let me tell you something: If your competitors want to find out your prices they will find a way. But so what? Forget about them and focus on building a loyal following of people who LOVE YOU and love what you do. Your Super Customers won’t care if you’re not the cheapest – they come to you because you are awesome and they trust you.

2. Leaving your prices off is off-putting for customers.

If I have to dig around a website, fill out a form, make a phone call or send an email just to get an idea of price I’d sooner go elsewhere. I assume the prices will be so high that the company will have to get a salesperson on the phone to HARD SELL to me (eeek!)

3. Out Of Hours Shoppers

I do most of my online browsing and shopping when my daughter is in bed, after 9pm. Here’s how it works: If I love what I see on your website or Facebook page AND if I can see the price and it feels like good value AND if I can get answers to any questions from your Frequently Asked Questions section AND I can see lovely reviews and I can see videos of you and I can see you’re a real person who can be trusted – I WILL BUY. You’ve made it easy for me. I like that.

4. Be proud of your business and what you sell and don’t be ashamed of pricing properly.

Your Super Customers know you have to make a living. They know you are worth it. You’re not after bargain hunters – you want to attract people who value what you do because it’s perfect for them. If you offer bespoke or custom products or services then at least say “prices start from” or “basic packages start from” or “this item cost £XX as a guide price, this is how we cost it” Give us a clue. We will still love you.

Have confidence in your pricing and know you are worth it.

Got that? Good 🙂 Love, Claire xx