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How To Deal With Copycats

How To Deal With Copycats

I had a question from a lady saying someone had copied her entire business, from her website to her social media posts – there were just enough differences for it not to be a direct duplication (she had used slightly different images) but to the casual observer,...
I’d Rather Be Marmite®

I’d Rather Be Marmite®

I hate Marmite®. I can’t stand the smell, let alone the taste. If I have to make Marmite on toast for my daughter, I hold my breath so I don’t smell the fumes. My hubby and daughter? They LOVE it. They ask for Marmite® chocolate for Christmas every year *bork* then...
10 Ways To Use Facebook Groups To Grow Your Business

10 Ways To Use Facebook Groups To Grow Your Business

I’ve been using groups to support my business training for years and to be honest, I LOVE them. They allow me to virtually get to know my students. I can support them in a safe setting. They get peer support from other members. We brainstorm and chat, tackle...
4 Easy Ways To Deal With Bad Days In Business

4 Easy Ways To Deal With Bad Days In Business

You know how it is; you’re pootling along quite nicely in your business and then all of a sudden, out of the blue, BAM! You’re stopped in your tracks and your perfectly HAPPY day becomes a BAD DAY. More often than not, it’s something as simple as a snarky comment on...
How To Run Your Business When Chaos Reigns

How To Run Your Business When Chaos Reigns

At the time of writing, we’re going through a global pandemic. You can’t get much more chaotic than that! But it’s not just lock-downs that cause chaos. Illness, bereavements, changes in circumstances, family issues, any of these can cause your life...