I just put the bin out. Every other week I go around the house, empty all the smaller bins into a big bin bag, take it to the black wheely bin and wheel it up to the top of my drive. If I forget, I have to wait another two weeks, so I make sure I don’t forget! It’s...
The other evening I went out with my torch to put the chickens to bed. At the end of our path that runs alongside the chicken paddock, my head torch picked up some bright eyes staring back at me, maybe 50 feet away. I thought I could maybe make out a faint outline but...
Last Christmas my nephew, Thomas, bought me some ‘baubles’ filled with bubble bath from Moulton Brown. All three smelled lovely, but one of them, Rhubarb and Rose, smelled AMAZING. It took me about 6 months to use up the 3 baubles, because a little bubble bath went a...
Overwhelm is a business killer. It happens when your to-do list is too long and you don’t know where to start, so you don’t start at all. Or you start, get stuck and then feel like you’re ‘behind’, which adds even more pressure. That...
When Chloe was little we bought a caravan for holidays. I signed up to the dealership’s newsletter. I did not open a single email from them for six yaers, even though they sent one or two per month. Until, that is, we wanted to buy an awning for the caravan, to give...
Your brain loves overthinking. You come up with a perfectly good idea and your brain comes up with 24 reasons why it won’t work. How about next time you come up with an idea, you write it down or voice-record it on your phone) and then just give it a try. What’s the...
We went out at the weekend and bought a lovely 7ft Christmas Tree, got it home and realised our stand had rusted and broken. Urgh. So I went back to the farm shop and bought a £20 stand for big trees. Got it home, within 10 minutes the tree had fallen over and the...
When I first started my Facebook page back in 2011-ish I was so excited that I posted and posted, every time I thought of something useful or interesting to say about marketing. One ‘fan’ said ‘Claire, you’re filling up my feed. Can you...
What did you picture when you saw that headline? Fluffy chickens with socks on? Chickens with fluffy socks on? Socks with fluffy chickens on? Fluffy socks with chickens on? I posted this on my page yesterday and Kirsty commented. She made me think of you. Sometimes we...
I went to see a fab show with Chloe on Saturday night, called The Night Sky Show with astronomer, Adrian West. It was great, really entertaining, informative and funny. But something stuck with me. He kept getting little things wrong. The name of the spacecraft probe...