Did you know people are talking about you? They are! They’re telling their friends and recommending you to people they meet. And of course you’re using their lovely words in your marketing, aren’t you? Wait, what? You’re not? Oh no!...
You’d think, wouldn’t you, that if you do a good job for someone then they would tell everyone how good you are? A common myth about getting referrals is that if you do a good job for your customers, referrals will come automatically. Hmm, wouldn’t...
Running a small business is challenging – not only do you have to deal with legal stuff, tax and accounting, you also have to do the thing you’re actually in business for AND market your business so the customers and the money keep coming. It’s not...
When you’re in business it can feel like you’re shelling out money, hand over fist. Finding money for marketing can be tough on top of all your other business costs but you know you need to keep marketing to grow your business. What’s a girl to do? Well, let me share...
I am a big fan of blogging as a marketing tool for businesses. Blogs are the basis of all my marketing – one blog can turn into loads of different things, saving me time and effort. I blog every week and blogging helps my business to get found and brings me new...
This week I picked a load of plums from our plum trees and decided to try and make plum jam. Now, this was my second-ever jam-making experience because a few weeks ago I made gooseberry jam and it turned out brilliantly, so I set out with a bucketload of confidence on...